gMLSTHIDX Permit First Class Mail This field (Yes/No selection) controls whether the label generator will permit labels to be generated for addressees that cannot be classified for a bulk-rate. For instance, non-USA addresses, or addresses without ZIP codes, would qualify as First Class Mail. All First Class Mail is targeted to a SINGLE sack, regardless of the number of pieces or weight, as each piece must be handled separately. One label is generated for the sack, as shown below. FCM LTRS/FLTS ORIGIN CITY ST ENTER=Help Index ESC=Exit gMLSTHIDX 3-Characters Maximum Field Length = YES or NO (REQUIRED) This field (Yes/No selection) controls whether the label generator will permit labels to be printed for addressees that do not qualify for bulk-rate mailing (e.g., First Class Mail). For instance, non-USA addressees, and addressees without ZIP codes, would not qualify for Bulk Mail. All First Class Mail is targeted to a SINGLE sack, regardless of the number of pieces or weight, as each piece must be handled separately. One label is generated for the First Class Mail sack: FCM LTRS/FLTS (FCM=First Class Mail) ORIGIN CITY ST (LTRS/FLTS=type of mail) ENTER=Help Index ESC=Exit SUSPSSTAT 28-Characters Maximum Field Length = CITY 5-Characters Maximum Field Length = STATE (REQUIRED) The origin City/State are required for generating the Sack Labels. Enter the City/State where the sacks will be mailed from. ENTER=State Abbreviations ESC=Exit (MLSTHIDX 4-Characters Maximum Field Length (LTRS or FLTS) (REQUIRED) Select LTRS/FLTS for Letters or Flats as described in the USPS publication, "Third-Class Mail Preparation." Check with the Post Office if you have any questions regarding what type of mail you have. ENTER=Help Index ESC=Exit File being browsed Line at Top Column at left Scroll $of Page of Page Amount File Browser Help KEYS FUNCTION C ESC Exit from the Browser Flips Scroll Amount between HALF and PAGE PGUP Page Up or Down by the Scroll Amount C PGUP C PGDN Page to Top or Bottom of file Scroll Up or Down 1 line Scroll Right/Left 1 line Page Right/Left by the Scroll Amount HOME Page to extreme Left/Right of the file C HOME C END Same as HOME/END ESC=Exit ENTER=Help Index iMLSTHIDX Set System Date/Time The date/time in your system is probably invalid. A check of the date in your system showed a date that was earlier than the program's compile date (1991). Enter the correct date/time, and press ENTER. NOTE: If your system has a built-in clock, this screen will only set the DOS date/time. The built-in clock must be set by another command, or by your set-up routine. Check your system manual for details on setting your system clock. ENTER=Help Index ESC=Exit MLSTHIDX Insert A New Diskette For An Output Function The current disk is full, and another diskette is required to continue the output. Be sure you have plenty of formatted diskettes on hand before running this option. If in doubt, exit the program, format sufficient floppies, and re-run this option. Remove the diskette in the drive, and place a formatted (empty) diskette in it's place. Press ENTER to continue the output function. Press ESC to terminate the output. ENTER=Help Index ESC=Exit cMLSTHIDX DOS Environment Variables There are two DOS Environment variables which may be set prior to starting the MAILLIST program. Use the DOS 'SET' command to place the values in the command processor's environment. We suggest that you place the SET commands in your AUTOEXEC.BAT file. 1. CLAVID DOS COMMAND: SET CLAVID=Y If set to 'Y', the screen processor will not wait for vertical retrace before updating the screen. On most monitors, this will significantly increase the performance of the screen driver. Try the option by issuing the SET command at the DOS prompt, then starting the MAILLIST program. If you do not get "snow" on the screen, your video adapter permits this option to run correctly. 2. CLATMP DOS COMMAND (example): SET CLATMP=D:\TMPFILES Path used by the overlay processor when the MAILLIST program calls sub-programs. The processor copies program variables into a temporary file while the sub-program executes. Currently, this path is used only during data base conversion when a new level is installed. The default is the current directory. If you have a LARGE VDISK (1MB or larger), it is a good candidate for this path. ENTER=Help Index ESC=Exit MLSTHIDX F2 presents a table of defined mail lists for selection, or entering a new name creates a new mailing list for data entry. This option allows for direct entry into a mail list and alleviates the need to manually add names to a mail list after data entry. This option is most useful for doing keyboard input to your database. ENTER=Help Index ESC=Exit !//!) !//!!. !>//!!. RUL_FORM ZIP+4 Validated Code Required Rule Help YES: Only those entries marked 'validated' by the USPS ZIP+4 service are eligible for output by the label processor. NO : All entries are eligible for output by the label processor. ENTER=Rule Form Help ESC=Exit !85799). 3. CITY/STATE A list of City/State combinatons. 4. COUNTY/STATE A list of County/State combinations. 5. STATE A list of States. 6. LOADED LIST A single use of mailing lists. This function may be used to temporarily combine several lists into one for a single mailing. For instance, you might have a CITY/STATE list for southern Nevada, and a State List for Arizona and California. You can load both lists into the LOADED LIST, to produce a mailing to Arizona, California, and southern Nevada. Any combination of the above 4 types of mailing lists may be included. Duplicate addresses are removed. ESC=Exit ENTER=Maintenance Overview !N//! !N//! !N//! !?//! !>//! !D//! LMLSTHIDX Keyboard Help The "selector bar" determines the entry to be selected (ENTER). STANDARD KEYS ENTER = Execute the currently selected menu option = Up/Down, Selector Bar/Cursor movement = Help for Current Screen/Field = Help Index CONTROL (CTRL) KEY FUNCTIONS (hold CTRL Key, press Additional Key) CTRL+ENTER = Execute the currently selected menu option Other available keys are described on the menu screen. The ESC key will not exit from the main menu. Select RETURN TO DOS instead. ENTER=Help Index ESC=Exit sMLSTHIDX Optional Endorsement Lines Optional Endorsement Lines take the place of the USPS stickers on the first piece in a bundle. If YES is selected, no bundle separator labels are printed for D, 3, and S bundles. Instead, the first line on the first label in the bundle identifies the bundle. Examples: 5-DIGIT 3-DIGIT ALL FOR STATE Mixed state (MS) bundles still require the MS sticker, and a separator label is printed for them. NOTE: When OEL's are used, one address line defined in your form is reserved for the endorsement. For instance, if your form defines a label as 6 lines, only 5 are available for address lines when OEL=YES is selected. ENTER=Help Index ESC=Exit !N//!! aMLSTHIDX POSTBAR Bar Codes POSTBAR is a product distributed with PreSort . It interprets the data stream going to a printer, and inserts Postal Bar Codes as graphics. PreSort inserts the bar code in the data stream as a POSTBAR 'manual-mode' string. You can choose to: 1. Print no bar codes NONE 2. Print the bar code at the top of the label 3. Print the bar code at the bottom of the label. BOTTOM NOTE: When you print bar codes, one address line is reserved for the bar code. Bar coding is not available for word processor merge file output. ENTER=Help Index ESC=Exit !N//! PCFOV1 Printer Control File Name The Printer Control File Name is a 1-40 character Descriptive name for the printer control codes. Multiple printer control files provide ease of use for label generation. The files are used to set your printer to match the various forms def- ined in your program. E.g., 1" X 3.5" Labels would use a 10-pitch (CPI, the USPS preferred character size), with 6 lines per inch (LPI) for line spacing. Storing these settings for your personal printer makes the job much easier to print, especially when there are only a few formats used by you. ENTER=PCF Overview ESC=Exit PPCFNAME PHPCFCODE HMLSTHIDX Printer Control File Overview Printer Control Files are sequences of ASCII codes to be sent to the printer to set Pitch, Line Spacing, Print Quality, etc. They are hardware (printer) dependent. Since most printers emulate the IBM Proprinter series, control files for various Pitches, Line Spacings, and Draft/NLQ modes are supplied with the program. If your printer DOES NOT emulate the Proprinter, you must generate your own set of control files, using the Printer manual or Technical Reference. All FORM definitions REQUIRE a Printer Control File to be specified. When a set of labels is to be printed, the PCF is the FIRST sequence of characters sent to the output file (even if on disk). You are then given the chance to print alignment marks. One PCF may be specified as the Reset Printer Control File. This PCF may be set from the Main Menu by pressing F3. If a Reset PCF is specified, it is sent to the printer as the LAST sequence of characters after all reports. You should select/setup a PCF that resets your printer to your NORMAL mode of operation. Select PCF Names Printer Control Codes Help Index ESC=Exit NPCFPP2 PPCFOV1 IBM Proprinter Control Codes Only a subset of the IBM Proprinter control codes applicable to printing mailing labels are given in this help section. Code Name Comments ASCII Sequence ESC Prefix for many controls CAN Clears Printer Buffers Use with EXTREME CAUTION Carriage Return Should be present in ALL PCF's to insure carriage is at left margin. DC2 10 CPI (pitch) setting DC4 Cancel double-wide by line Form Feed` Condensed Mode Will not take effect if in 12 CPI mode. Always set 10 CPI (DC2) first. Select Next Page PCF Overview ESC=Exit !N//!! NPCFPP3 PPCFPP1 PPCFOV1 IBM Proprinter Control Codes Code Name Comments ASCII Sequence ESC A Store Text Line Spacing 27 65 is 1-85 for /72 inch spacing. For 6 LPI, use 12: 26 65 12 Does not take effect until a Start Line Spacing (ESC 2) is encountered. ESC 2 Starts line spacing stored 27 50 by ESC A. ESC A and ESC 2 are used as a 'pair'. ESC N Set Auto Perf Skip 27 78 nn nn is the number of lines to skip. ESC O Turn auto-perf skip off 27 79 ESC T Cancel Sub/Super script 27 84 Select Next Page Previous Page PCF Overview ESC=Exit !N//!! NPCFPP4 PPCFPP2 PPCFOV1 IBM Proprinter Control Codes Code Name Comments ASCII Sequence ESC 0 Set 8 LPI spacing 27 48 Does not require ESC 2 ESC 4 Set top of form 27 52 ESC 5 Set Auto Line Feed 27 52 0 Overrides DIP switch 3 27 52 1 Should always be used to turn ALF OFF (27 52 0). ESC 6 Select Character Set 2, 27 54 which contains foreign language symbols. Overrides DIP switch 5. ESC : 12 CPI 27 58 Should always be preceeded by DC1 (18) to turn condensed mode off. Select Next Page Previous Page PCF Overview ESC=Exit !N//!! PPCFPP3 PPCFOV1 IBM Proprinter Control Codes Code Name Comments ASCII Sequence ESC I Select print mode 27 73 n n=0 Draft Mode n=2 NLQ ESC C Set form length in lines 27 67 =Number of lines/page Also sets Top of Form. Auto Perf Skip is turned OFF. Co-ordinate this command with your line spacing. ESC C 0 Same as ESC C, but 27 67 0 length of page in inches. ESC E Set Emphasized Printing 27 69 ESC F Cancel Emphasized Printing 27 70 ESC G Double Strike NLQ Printing 27 71 ESC H Cancel Double Strike NLQ 27 72 Select Previous Page PCF Overview ESC=Exit !N//!! )!!)) MLSTHIDX 4-Characters Maximum Field Length (REQUIRED) The USPS prefers that each bundle be approximately 4 inches thick (maximum). Enter the number of pieces that will make a 4 inch bundle. Each bundle (group) is marked in the label output by a separator -- 'D' '3' 'S' 'MS' Where more than one bundle (4" thick) is produced for a zipcode, label "separaters" will appear in the appropriate place (with total pieces for each bundle). ENTER=Help Index ESC=Exit , MLSTHIDX 6-Characters Maximum Field Length (##. (REQUIRED) Enter the weight (in pounds) of each piece. Be accurate, as this weight is used in the calculation for the number of pieces per sack. If accurate scales are not available, weigh a stack of 50-100, and divide by the number of pieces weighed. ENTER=Help Index ESC=Exit MLSTHIDX Program Rules and Tables Help Program rules are parameters that customize PreSort your individual requirements.There are five parameters that you may set. USPS Bulk Rate Rules allows you to change the rules that PreSort uses to prepare your third class bulk mail Name Salutations allows you to add, or delete salutations from the list that PreSort recognizes. Compound Name Connectors allows you to add,or delete compound name connectors from the list that PreSort recognizes. Name Suffixes allows you to add, or delete suffixes from the list that PreSort recognizes. ENTER=HELP INDEX ESC=EXIT Print ZIPCODE Totals Report Select YES to print a list of all ZIP codes in the mailing, along with the total number of pieces to each ZIP. Select NO bypass the report. This report is not required to submit a mailing to the USPS. ESC=Exit ZHZIPRQ PHPHONFMT VHRQVZIP UHUARMSW THTPATH HMLSTHIDX Program Rules The Program Rules customize the way several program functions operate. Select an option below ( Keys) and press ENTER for detailed help about the rule. Zip Code Required Phone Number Format Validated Zips Required User Alarm Temporary File Path Help Index and ENTER to View ESC=Exit tMLSTHIDX Selection Tables Help A selection table displays a list of eligible entries from which you select one to satisify a previously-displayed requirement. For instance, when adding an entry to the LOADED LIST, a list of Mailing Lists is displayed. Use the PgUp, PgDn, keys to scroll through the list. If a "locator" is displayed at the top of the list, you may type characters to locate either the specific entry, or one near it. Once you have moved the "selector bar" (Select Operation) to an entry, press the ENTER key to complete the selection process. Previous screen will be displayed. If you do not wish to select an entry from the list, press ESC or CTRL+ESC. ENTER=Help Index ESC=Exit MLSTHIDX Keyboard Help The "selector bar" determines the entry to be selected (ENTER). If a "Search" field is displayed at the top, you can use it to locate a specific entry by typing characters. As each successive character is typed, the "list" section will scroll to the closest match on the search field's contents. STANDARD KEYS PgUp PgDn = Scroll the list up/down one page = Add a New Entry = Delete the selected entry (press ENTER to Delete) ENTER = Update the selected entry = Exit Field (without Saving), Exit Menu Keys = Up/Down, Left/Right Selector Bar/Cursor movement = Help for Current Screen/Field = Help Index CONTROL KEYS (hold CTRL Key, press Additional Key) CTRL+PgUp PgDn = Scroll to the Top/Bottom of the list CTRL+ENTER = Save and Exit current Record/File CTRL+END = Delete to End of Line CTRL+ESC = Exit Screen without Saving updates ENTER=Help Index ESC=Exit iMLSTHIDX User Expertise Level The user expertise level (Novice/Expert) is displayed at the bottom of the main menu. You may exchange one mode for the other by pressing F2 on the main menu. The default at installation is Novice. NOVICE: Whenever exiting from a screen will cause loss of data entered on that screen (pressing the ESC key), the user is requested to confirm the exit from the screen by pressing ESC (again). Inadvertent loss of keystrokes by pressing ESC on the first field of a screen is prevented. EXPERT: No confirmation for exit from a data entry screen without saving is requested. The NOVICE exit confirmation only applies to data entry screens where data base updates which the user entered would be lost. ENTER=Help Index ESC=Exit !N//!! !N//!! uUSPSRULE USPS Rules: Minimim Qualifications for Mailing 3rd Class: Currently, USPS requires 200 pieces of mail or 50 pounds to qualify for 3rd Class Bulk Mail rates. Change the 5-digit bundle count to 50 when printing Barcode rate labels. 1st Class: Currently, USPS requires 500 pieces, with no minimum number of pounds to qualify for 1st Class Presort rates. Change the minimum number of pieces to 500 and the 5-digit bundle count to 50 when performing 1st Class presort. ENTER=USPS Rules Overview ESC=Exit !A//! !A//! USPS Rules: Optional State Sack for 3/5 Digit bundles You may request that PreSort generate a State sack if any 3 or 5 Digit bundles exist, within a state, that have not been assigned to another sack. This may speed up the delivery of your mail but does not qualify for any lower postal rates. ENTER=USPS Rules Overview ESC=Exit USPSRULE USPS Rules: Applying Address Correction Currently, the USPS allows one free application of address correction to your list. In order to qualify, you must have a minimum number of names in your database. The present number to qualify is 300. Check with your local USPS office for details on obtaining this service. ENTER=USPS Rules Overview ESC=Exit tUSPSRULE USPS Rules: Apply Zip+4 Update - Footnote Handling Some of the "error" messages generated by address correction are "informational" only (address correction was still applied to the records). These messages can cause your error listing to become quite large. To avoid this, you may stipulate to PreSort that you want to exclude these informational messages from the USPS error list returned. On the "Informational" line, list the error codes (as found on the address correction summary) you wish to Exclude from the error list. On the "Errors" line, list the error codes you wish to Include in the USPS error list. You have the option when applying Zip+4 Service to record all footnotes, regardless of how they are specified here. ENTER=USPS Rules Overview ESC=Exit USPSRULE USPS Rules: Minimim Percentage for Barcode Rates Currently, the USPS requires 85% of your mailing to have ZIP+4 Delivery Point Bar Codes to qualify for the lower rate. If this percentage is not met, PreSort will inform you, and generate a Basic 3/5 PreSort mailing. Be sure to run address correction before attempting to mail at the Bar Code rates. Check with your local post office for information on obtaining address correction. ENTER=USPS Rules Overview ESC=Exit USPSRULE USPS Rules: Bundling Requirements Bundle Type Basic 3/5 Barcoded & 1st Class # of pieces # of pieces 5-Digit 10 or more 10 or more 3-Digit 10 or more 50 or more State 10 or more 10 or more Mixed State 10 or more 10 or more ENTER=USPS Rules Overview ESC=Exit USPSRULE USPS Rules: Minimim/Maximum Sack Requirements Currently, the USPS requires a separate sack when either 125 pieces or 15-pounds of mail exist for any of the bundles specified above. Current weight requirements are: 40 pounds preferred maximum weight per sack 70 pounds absolute maximum weight per sack ENTER=USPS Rules Overview ESC=Exit MLSTHIDX 60-Characters Maximum Field Length 15-Lines of 60 characters (NOT REQUIRED) Press ENTER on each line (except the last) to move to the next line. Press ENTER on the last line, or CTRL+ENTER from ANY point on the screen, to Exit and Save the contents. Press ESC on any line (except the first) to restore the original comments after changes have been made. Press ESC on the first line, or CTRL+ESC on any line to return without updating the comments. ENTER=Help Index ESC=Exit !;//) !;//!) !;//!) !;//!) +ZIP4OV Apply ZIP+4 Exception Report Enter the DOS file name (or printer name) where the USPS 'Apply ZIP+4 Exception' report is to be placed. The report is formatted for 60 lines/page, and 80 characters/line. Select YES/NO to Clear/Not Clear the error file when the report is completed. ENTER=USPS Overview ESC=Exit nMLSOV01 List of USPS Publications for Bulk Rate Mailers Third-Class Mail Preparation Booklet Basic information about 3rd-Class mailing. Minimum piece/weight requirements, Bundling (D,3,S,MS groups), Sacking requirements. This program meets all specifications within the booklet except for Carrier Route Presort (CRT-RT-SORT). Contains order form for the Domestic Mail Manual described below. Domestic Mail Manual Manual Furnishes State BMC (Buld Mail Center) locations used on sack labels. For State and Mixed States sacks, this program prints " for these fields. You will need the Domestic Mail Manual (or help from your local post office) to complete those labels. The information is not included in the program, as the USPS periodically changes BMC centers during re-organizations. For 5-DG PKGS and 3-DG PKGS sacks, the city and ZIP code for the sack label is derived from the City/State in the data base. (5-DG and 3-DG sacks contain groups for the same City.) ENTER=Return to Overview Help Screen ESC=Exit !N//!! !N//!! MMLSTHIDX USPS Rules Help The USPS rules are MAILLIST's definition of the USPS bulk-rate mail and ZIP+4 service regulations. The defaults provided with the program are the regulations in effect when the program was generated. They were derived from the USPS publications: "Third-Class Mail Preparation", "Domestic Mail Manual", and from the ZIP+4 Service forms. One rule (Force Sack if 5/3-digit or State group is found) is an optional feature. It is not necessary for this rule to be 'YES' (the default). Chapter 4 of the booklet states: "A State sack may contain fewer than 125 pieces or 15 pounds of mail." The rule is set so that all groups other than "MS" (Mixed States) will be placed in a sack that is at least directed to the state Bulk Mail Center (BMC). This should improve the USPS's efficiency (get your mail delivered sooner), as the small groups will only have to be sorted once (at the state level). If the postal service changes any of these regulations, you can change the appropriate field on the USPS Rules screen. It will be "remembered" from session to session. To retrieve the built-in defaults, press F2. ENTER=Help Index ESC=Exit HPSTATE List of Valid USPS State Abbreviations Alabama Maine Rhode Island Alaska Maryland South Carolina SC Arizona Massachusetts South Dakota Arkansas Michigan Tennessee California Minnesota Texas Colorado Missoruri Connecticut Montana Vermont Dist. Columbia Nebraska Virginia Florida New Hampshire Virgin Islands VI Georgia New Jersey Washington Guam New Mexico West Virginia Hawaii New York Wisconsin Idaho North Carolina NC Wyoming Illinois North Dokata Indiana Iowa Oklahoma Kansas Oregon Kentucky Pennsylvania Louisiana Puerto Rico ENTER=Previous Screen ESC=Exit ZIP4OV USPS Rules: Apply Zip+4 Update - Footnote Handling Some of the "error" messages generated by address correction are "informational" only (address correction was still applied to the records). These messages can cause your error listing to become quite large. To avoid this, you may stipulate to PreSort that you want to exclude these informational messages from the USPS error list returned. You have the option when applying Zip+4 Service to record all footnotes, regardless of how they are specified here. Regardless of the footnotes, an error will be recorded in the following cases: No Zip+4 Returned Address has changed in database since Zip+4 Export ENTER=USPS Rules Overview ESC=Exit MLSTHIDX Optional Word Processing Fields When outputting labels to a word processing file (MS/Word or WordPerfect), you may wish to place additional data fields in the output file for use within the word processor (such as for creating form letters). Select 'YES' to append 15 additional fields following the label lines. The fields added are (in this order): Full Name Salutation First Name Middle Name Last Name Suffix Title Company Address 1 Address 2 Address 3 State ZIP code Country These fields are outputted "as is", with no conversion to upper case, following the label fields. Note: 'USA' and blank are both outputted as a NULL field. Other country names are outputted "asis". ENTER=Help Index ESC=Exit !N//!! AIMP_ZIP4 ZUSPEXRPT FFORCE_Z4 ZEXP_ZIP4 IHPLIMEX HMLSTHIDX USPS ZIP+4 Service Overview The United Stats Postal Service (USPS) supplies a service which will update diskette files with the correct ZIP+4, Carrier Route, and Delivery Address. You furnish them with diskettes, fill out a form, and they return diskettes with updated addresses, ZIP codes, and Carrier Routes. The ZIP+4 Export option creates the diskettes for the USPS. The Apply ZIP+4 Update option reads the diskettes returned from the USPS, and applies the updates to your data base. There is a flag in the Person File, indicating whether this function has been applied to each person, and whether their address has changed. Export outputs records to the ZIP+4 address correction service. Import applies updates to all records for which the USPS returns a 10-digit ZIP, and the address has not changed in the data base since the export was generated. Updating addresses will cause those persons to be exported during the next Generate USPS ZIP+4 run for re-verification. Select Apply ZIP+4 Update ZIP+4 Error List Report ESC=Exit Forcing All Entries ZIP+4 Export Import/Export Overview Help Index !N//! !G//! !N//! MLSTHIDX Label Print Direction (Order) If you use label/tab affixing machinery, you may find that using them "reverses" the order of your labels. This is due to many of the machines placing pieces on top of the preceding ones, thus reversing the order. If your mail will be processed by such a machine, you will want to print your labels in "reverse" order, thus making the final result in the correct sorted order. ENTER=Help Index ESC=Exit BM_DESC BM_FCM BM_ORG BM_TYPES BROWSE K COMNDAT COMNDISK DOSVARS @ ENTLS ERATLIS1h" ERATLIST EXPLDL EXPMLST EXPPRSF EXP_OV EXP_OV1 EXP_ZIP4 FORCE_Z4AB FORMKEY1 FORMKEYS>K FRM_MOUN HATNSLG HCNMLST HDOB HFORMLSTP] HFPRTCTL HINCOME rc HLCNTLST HLCPYLST HLOADLST HLSLASTM!s HLSTNAME HMDESC HMLSTCNTFx HMMENU HMSTAT HOUTPPTS{ HPADDR m HPADDR1 B HPADDR2 HPADDR3 HPCFCODE HPCFS = HPCITY HPCNTRY . HPCOMP U HPCOMP1 HPCOUNTY HPCRT e HPERFM HPERTBL HPHONFMT HPLCONT HPLIMEX . HPMCONT HPNAME HPNAMEF HPNAMEL v HPNAMEM K HPPHONE % HPRSMLST HPSAL HPSLUG HPSTATE HPSUF HPTIE HPZIP HRQVZIP HSALLST HSELFORM HSELLLST HSELMLST HSEX HSUFLST p HTPATH ' HUARMSW HWIPELS1 HWIPELS2 HWIPELST HZIPMLST$ HZIPRQ IMP001 IMP002 IMPASC 9 IMPASC1 IMPDUP1 IMPFILE1P3 IMPFILE4 IMPFORM m< IMP_ZIP4 LBLFORM :E LBLFORM1 LBLFORM2ZR LBLG_OV _X LBL_LABDm] LBL_PAUS LBL_TOTC LBL_TOTDAf LBL_TOTH LBL_WIDE,l MENUKEYS5o MLG_EJ_L MLG_OUT MLISTS MLMAINT : MLSOV01 MLSOV02 MLSOV03 MLSOV04 MLSOV05 " MLSTHIDX MLSTHIDYP MLSTTYPE MMENUKEY OEL_LINE> PBAR PCFNAME PCFOV1 P PCFPP1 PCFPP2 PCFPP3 PCFPP4 PC_BNDL PC_WGT A PGMRMENU PRT_ORDR,> PZTOTR RUL_FORM> SLCTKEYS TABLKEYS UEXPMODEl URUL1 URUL12 URUL14 URUL15 J URUL3 URUL4 URUL8 USERCOMSi USPEXRPTA USPSPUBS USPSRULE USPSSTAT ) USPS_RFNE. WPROC_FL ZIP4OV E7